

So you've made it past my home screen, hopefully that means you want to know a little bit about me.

Explore this page to learn about where I've come from, where I've lived and the sorts of things that I'm into.

My Journey


Brentwood (1989 - 2008)

Starting at the very beginning, Brentwood was where I was born and raised. I spent all of my early years in the same house with my parents and 2 older sisters (until they moved out). I went to school, just down the road at Hogarth and then onto Brentwood County High school for secondary and sixth form education. I played football for Hutton Medway as a kid and enjoyed running the 100m and relay at sports days and district athletics meets.

University of Portsmouth

University of Portsmouth (2008 - 2012)

After visiting on a couple of open days I took a real liking to both the city and the university. Being so close to the sea, despite being cold in the winter, was super peaceful. Originally deciding on a Mathematics and Computing degree, this later changed to just straight Mathematics. My favourite modules were those on cosmology and logistics. I liked the place so much that once my 3 year degree was done and dusted I moved in with a few mates and stayed for another year.


London (2012 - 2017)

After finding it tricky to find the work I wanted in Portsmouth I decided to try my luck in London. It thankfully didn't take too long to get a 3 month internship at Eproductive in Camden. After this job became permanent and I got tired of commuting from Brentwood every day I moved to Archway in North London making the commute super easy. In a super tiny flat, on my own, I'd spend my non-work days enjoying films at home or going to the cinema. Also being a short walk from the Emirates stadium led to my support of Arsenal FC. After a few years I upgraded to a flat share in Highgate, which was so much nicer. But I thoroughly enjoyed my time there.


Sydney (2017 - 2020)

After a fair few years in London I was looking for a bit of a change. This change manifested itself, quite dramatically, in a move to Australia. My partner had moved out first, a dream of theirs realised, and was thoroughly enjoying themselves. Utilising the working holiday visa, I took the opportunity to try it myself. Sydney was amazing. Similar to Portsmouth, being back by the sea was the best, this time with much better weather. So much so the only time you'd catch me wearing trousers, rather than shorts, was when I was working in the office. Living in an amazing flat, right next door to a cinema and a stone's throw from beaches and also from the city was the best. Thanks to a friend of a friend I was able to get a sponsored job at Servian and turned my one year stay into what eventually became 3 and a half.

London (Again)

London (Again) (2020 - Present)

For all it's positives, Australia was just too far away, especially when you don't really like flying, and my partner and I wanted to be back within touching distance of our families again. The move couldn't have been timed worse and we were immediately into lockdown at our respective parents on our return. It took a few months to be back together but we're now in South London, in a lovely flat near Crystal Palace park. Ready for the next chapter of our lives.



Work Experience

Good work, you've made it to the end of this page, if you want to find out even more, and learn about my working life, then head on over to my Work Experience page. See the roles I've had and the skills I've picked up so far.